Course Level: Intermediate to Advanced English learners interested in Psychology
Objective: Enhance English language proficiency through the lens of psychological concepts and terminology
🕒 Weekly Class Time: 2 hours per week | You choose the schedule based on your availability via Calendly (2 hours per week).
Each lesson lasts 50 minutes and is conducted online via Skype or Google Meet.
Instructor: Christina Holt | Office Hours: By appointment
📚 The course material will be accessible via Google Classroom ( you do not need to purchase any books for this course).
🎓 Certification of Completion: At the end of the course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion to showcase your achievement.
📋 Detailed Topics Spreadsheet: A comprehensive breakdown of all the topics you’ve covered throughout the course.
📚 Syllabus Access: A well-structured syllabus to guide your learning journey and keep you organized.
🇺🇸 Language: All lessons will be conducted in English.
Note: This is a private 1:1 online course only, and group lessons are not available.
📅 Classes Begin - February 3rd, 2025
Course Description
This course aims to strengthen English language skills within the context of psychology. Students will explore psychological concepts, theories, and research methodologies while developing vocabulary, reading, writing, and speaking skills tailored to psychology.
Course Objectives
Expand English vocabulary with psychology-specific terms.
Improve reading comprehension through analysis of psychology texts.
Practice writing concise, well-structured summaries, essays, and reports.
Develop speaking skills to discuss psychological concepts and theories.
Enhance critical thinking by engaging with psychological research and case studies.
Interdisciplinary Approach
-Integrates language learning with psychological theory.
-Fosters both linguistic and cognitive development.
Course Structure
Duration: 10 weeks
Engagement: Students will engage with core psychological topics and terminology.
Communication Skills: Enhances ability to communicate effectively in academic and professional contexts.
Curriculum Focus
Progressive Skill Development:
Vocabulary building
Reading comprehension
Writing skills
Oral communication
Activities Include:
-Written assignments
Critical Thinking Emphasis:
-Prepares students to understand psychological texts and theories.
-Develops skills to articulate thoughts clearly and confidently.
Exploration of Language and Psychology:
-Investigates the interplay between language and psychological processes.
-Provides a comprehensive framework for understanding human behavior and mental processes in an English-speaking context.
Learning Goals: Familiarize with key psychology terms, such as cognition, perception, emotion, behavior, and development.
Vocabulary Workshop: Introduce core vocabulary and definitions.
Reading Assignment: "What is Psychology?" article and related comprehension questions.
Discussion: “What interests you about psychology?” Practice introducing oneself in a psychology context.
Learning Goals: Understand terminology related to the brain and its impact on behavior.
Vocabulary Focus: Terms like neurotransmitters, neurons, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus.
Reading: Brief overview of brain anatomy related to psychology.
Listening Exercise: TED Talk or documentary excerpt on brain functions.
Speaking: Discussion on "How does the brain affect behavior?"
Learning Goals: Explore the stages of psychological development and relevant terms.
Vocabulary Focus: Terms like developmental stages, attachment theory, adolescence, and cognitive development.
Reading: Excerpt on Erikson’s stages of development.
Writing Exercise: Summarize the developmental stages in 100-150 words.
Speaking: Share insights on how culture influences development.
Learning Goals: Recognize personality theories and individual differences.
Vocabulary Workshop: Terms like Big Five Personality Traits, introversion, extraversion, psychometrics, and temperament.
Reading: Summary of the Big Five personality traits.
Discussion: "Which personality traits best describe you?" Focus on speaking about self-assessment.
Writing Exercise: Write a brief reflection on personality types.
Learning Goals: Learn terminology for discussing mental disorders and diagnoses.
Vocabulary Focus: Terms like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, DSM-5, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Reading: Overview of common psychological disorders.
Listening Exercise: Podcast or video on mental health awareness.
Speaking: Group discussion on stigma around mental illness.
Learning Goals: Understand research methods used in psychology.
Vocabulary Workshop: Terms like hypothesis, control group, experimental design, correlation, and ethics.
Reading: Introduction to research methods.
Writing Exercise: Summarize a basic research experiment in 150 words.
In Class Activity: Create a simple research question and design a hypothetical study.
Learning Goals: Discuss social behavior and influences.
Vocabulary Focus: Terms like social influence, conformity, groupthink, and prejudice.
Reading: Brief overview of Milgram’s obedience experiment.
Debate: Discuss "Are people naturally conformist?" to practice argumentative skills.
Writing: Reflective paragraph on a personal experience with social influence.
Learning Goals: Understand concepts related to memory, perception, and learning.
Vocabulary Focus: Terms like cognition, memory, perception, encoding, and retrieval.
Reading: Summary of memory processes and types.
Listening: Audio clip about how memory works.
Discussion: “How reliable is human memory?” Encourage critical thinking and sharing opinions.
Learning Goals: Explore applications of psychology in real-world contexts.
Vocabulary Workshop: Terms like clinical psychology, counseling, industrial-organizational psychology, and educational psychology.
Reading: Case study example in applied psychology.
Writing Exercise: Write a short report summarizing how psychology is used in a particular field.
Speaking: Group discussion on “Where do you see psychology applied in everyday life?”
Learning Goals: Consolidate knowledge and practice communication skills.
Final Project: Prepare a 3–5-minute presentation on a psychology topic of choice (individual or group).
Vocabulary Review: Comprehensive review of key terms from the course.
Feedback Session: Discuss what was learned and areas for improvement.
Reflection: Write a brief course reflection on what you learned and how it will help you in psychology.
Quizzes: Vocabulary and comprehension quizzes after each unit.
Writing Assignments: Short essays, reflections, and summaries.
Speaking Assessments: Class discussions, debates, and a final presentation.
Participation: Active engagement in all discussions.
Early Bird Offer: 170€ by 14/02/2025
💻 Διαθέσιμοι Τρόποι Διδασκαλίας
⊏ Ιδιαίτερα Μαθήματα
Κάθε μάθημα διαρκεί 50 λεπτά και διεξάγεται διαδικτυακά μέσω Skype ή Google Meet.
⊏ Ιδιαίτερα Μαθήματα - κατόπιν συννενόησης
online με 2 ώρες σύγχρονης τηλεδιάσκεψης την εβδομάδα
Κόστος - 200€

English for Psychology Intro Course - Registration Form
Αυτά τα μαθήματα πραγματοποιούνται αποκλειστικά ως ιδιαίτερα, προσαρμοσμένα στις ανάγκες και το επίπεδο κάθε μαθητή. Ο στόχος είναι να αποκτήσετε βασικές γνώσεις ψυχολογίας, ενώ παράλληλα βελτιώνετε το ειδικό λεξιλόγιο και τις γλωσσικές σας δεξιότητες στα αγγλικά.
Διάρκεια: 10 εβδομάδες
Συχνότητα Μαθημάτων: 2 ώρες την εβδομάδα (50 λεπτά το κάθε μάθημα)
Τρόπος Διδασκαλίας: Online (Skype ή Google Meet)
Έναρξη Μαθημάτων: 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
Διδάσκουσα: Χριστίνα Χολτ, MSc
Υλικό Μαθήματος: Παρέχεται ηλεκτρονικά (δεν απαιτείται αγορά επιπλέον βιβλίων)
Πιστοποίηση: Πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης στο τέλος του μαθήματος
- Εμπλουτισμός λεξιλογίου με όρους που αφορούν την ψυχολογία.
- Βελτίωση της κατανόησης κειμένων μέσα από ανάλυση επιστημονικών άρθρων.
- Άσκηση στη συγγραφή δοκιμίων, περιλήψεων και αναφορών.
- Ενίσχυση της προφορικής επικοινωνίας για συζητήσεις πάνω σε θέματα ψυχολογίας.
- Ανάπτυξη κριτικής σκέψης μέσω μελέτης ερευνών και περιπτώσεων.
- Εισαγωγή στο ειδικό λεξιλόγιο.
- Μελέτη και ανάλυση αυθεντικών κειμένων.
- Εστίαση στην παραγωγή γραπτού λόγου.
- Εξάσκηση στη συζήτηση και την παρουσίαση ιδεών.
- Εβδομάδα 1: Εισαγωγή στην Ψυχολογία και Βασικό Λεξιλόγιο
- Εβδομάδα 2: Ο Εγκέφαλος και η Συμπεριφορά
- Εβδομάδα 3: Αναπτυξιακή Ψυχολογία
- Εβδομάδα 4: Προσωπικότητα και Ατομικές Διαφορές
- Εβδομάδα 5: Παθολογική Ψυχολογία
- Εβδομάδα 6: Μέθοδοι Έρευνας στην Ψυχολογία
- Εβδομάδα 7: Κοινωνική Ψυχολογία
- Εβδομάδα 8: Γνωστική Ψυχολογία
- Εβδομάδα 9: Εφαρμοσμένη Ψυχολογία (π.χ., Κλινική, Εκπαιδευτική, Βιομηχανική)
- Εβδομάδα 10: Επανάληψη Μαθήματος και Παρουσίαση